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SAPIER'S STORY - 2002Flanagan Music Progrsam
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In 2001, the FLANAGAN MUSIC DEPARTMENT was recognized as a GRAMMY SIGNATURE SCHOOL for its excellence across the music curriculum. This distinction came with a cash prize and, based on the collaborative conversations of the music faculty, we commissioned composer BRIAN BALMAGES to write a piece that would feature students from throughout the department. The country was still reeling from the attacks of a SEPTEMBER 11, so we asked Brian to write a commemorative piece about those events that we could premier on anniversary. Brian sought out SAPIER, a young girl from New York whose poem had been featured in many news outlets, and gained exclusive rights to use the poem as the choral text. The piece was premiered on SEPTEMBER 11, 2002 in the Flanagan High School Auditorium to a capacity crowd; Sapier and her family were in the audience to hear the piece.







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